Pilots: To sign up to pilot, first click on the event on the calendar below.
If an open slot is available, you will see a a blue botton "Book this Event". Fill in the requested information. If you encounter any problems, please send an email toIf you would like to reserve a trishaw, please see instructions below the calendar.
TRISHAW 1 PILOT SIGNUP - Stored at the R. Nevins' house
TRISHAW 2 PILOT SIGNUP - Stored at Patriots Colony
Pilots: If you would like to reserve the trishaw, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The CWA Chairman will respond within 24 hours
Include within your email:
- Your Name
- Date and time requested (including duration)
- Purpose
Acceptable purposes are:
- Practice operating trishaw
- Taking an eligible person for a ride. (someone who cannot ride a bicycle due to age, physical or mental impairment)
All normal "rules" apply:
- Passengers must sign the liability release (blanks can be found in the trishaw storage compartment)
- Must restrict usage to safe routes. (VCT, Jamestown Causeway & Island, Colonial Williamsburg and lightly traveled residential communities).
- You must complete the Ride Log form and leave it along with the signed liability release in the envelope in the trishaw compartment.
NOTE: availability of the trishaw is limited to 8 AM to 5 PM. Also, if the trishaw is scheduled for other rides, you must end your ride at least two hours prior to the other scheduled ride in order to give the battery time to recharge.